Challenge Guidelines

Monthly Challenges

 This is a monthly 'Anything Goes' challenge with an optional theme each month. The monthly themes can be viewed here.

You may use any digis or stamps from any designer or company.

As the creator of Conjurer of Dreams, Kim will provide one CoD digital set to one lucky, randomly picked winner, so every challenge entry is in with a chance. 

Between 3 and 5 Top Picks will also be chosen each month depending on how many entries we have and Top Picks will be awarded a blog badge.

Additionally, if you use a Conjurer of Dreams purchased image in your project, you could be our Spotlight Winner. Our Spotlight Winners receive a special blog badge and 2 CoD sets.

We have a few rules, outlined below.

1. New projects only - no back linking. 
2. You can enter each challenge up to a maximum of 3 times.
3. You may enter any number of challenges alongside ours. 
4. Please link back to our challenge. 
5. Please link to your specific entry NOT to your blog in general. 
6. If you have a blog which requires email details to comment, or has a Captcha code, we might not be able to comment, but will try! 
7. Please become a follower. 
8. Have fun, fun, fun!!!


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